5170 Golden Foothill Pkwy, #9, El Dorado Hills, CA 95762
Monday - Friday, 9am - 6pm PST; CLOSED on weekends and observed holidays.
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Have you ever wondered who will provide for your family after you are no longer around?
This was a very uncomfortable question for me, as I was scared to even imagine that I one day, my kids (who are 8 years, 3 years, and 3 months respectively at the time of writing this) might lose their father and only God knows how their fragile lives could unfold without my love and support.
Estate planning ensures that your property will pass to the intended persons with minimum delays and expenses. Most importantly, if you have minor children, a well-crafted estate plan ensures that you play a vital role in determining who will care for them after your death thus avoiding the need for a probate judge to appoint a stranger as guardian for your children which will simply be a horrible situation.
Thinking about an estate plan is not easy, because it forces people to reflect on their mortality and possible significant legal fees associated hiring an estate attorney. However, what many don’t realize, in most cases, families are better served when an estate plan was thought in advance, and frankly, at a much lower cost than probate fees which could simply drain your estate’s assets before anything is passed to the estate’s beneficiaries. Andrei Jingan is a California-licensed estate planning & trust attorney who truly cares about his clients’ estate planning needs.
Wills, Trusts & Estate Planning Counseling
While many estate planning attorneys are simply focused on document drafting as a one-time project, I truly care about my clients’ family situation, take my time acquiring from the clients all information about their assets and possible estate concerns, counsel them on the best estate planning strategy tailored to their needs, and continue providing ongoing legal support. When you retain me, I can craft an estate plan that will take into account the following:
We help families, who are in wealth building stage, plan their properties and money in a way that will: (1) provide for themselves during life; and (2) ensure that surviving spouses, parents, children, and other desired successors are taken care of.
Plan Today for Tomorrow
Your life will be some much easier knowing that you were able to plan your estate ahead of time. And by the way, estate planning is not only for the wealthy; everyone should have a custom estate plan created way in advance. We can’t wait to exceed your expectations.